
At Edge, we cater to various inquiries regarding learning disabilities (LD) and offer specialized assessments focusing on reading and writing difficulties. However, we do not offer assessments as standalone services. If you are interested in undergoing an assessment, please schedule a consultation with us first.

Eiko Todo, the representative of EDGE, provides individual consultations on various matters related to learning disabilities (LD).

With exprience gained over two decades as stakeholders, guardians, supporters, researchers, and activists since our establishment, we are committed to providing comprehensive consultation services, utilizing our collective knowledge and skills to address your needs effectively.

Assessments will be handled by assessors who have completed the Edge Assessor Training Course and gained sufficient experience.

Consultation about LD・dyslexia and reading and writing difficulties

For those interested in assessment, please begin with a consultation.

Consultations are conducted with guardians or individuals themselves (high school age and older). It is not necessary for children to be present.

We offer two types of consultations:

  1. 30-minute session
  2. 1-hour session

You can choose based on your concerns.

Currently, we are offering remote consultations via Zoom.

From elementary school to adult
Maybe  my child is? Myself?
What kind of study method, learning style, tools, teaching materials, reasonable accommodation, study skill?
Others: referral to assessment in English
consultation in English or Japanese:
5,000 yen/ 30 minutes (administration fee:500 yen)
7,000 yen/ 1 hour (administration fee:500 yen)

Please watch our introductory video before your consultation.(Japanese)

Check out our client testimonials here.(Japanese)


After the consultation, those who wish can receive an assessment focused on reading and writing. This will be conducted with the individual with Dyslexia. Starting in July 2024, we are also offering assessments in English.

Regarding the Japanese Assessment:

We objectively measure the speed, fluency, and accuracy of reading and writing, and compare it with the age average to determine the degree and areas of difficulty. The results are analyzed, and a report will be sent. This allows the individual to understand their situation and enables parents, teachers, and supporters to know specific learning methods and appropriate reasonable accommodations. An optional English vocabulary test can be conducted if needed (details can be explained during the consultation). If you have already taken other tests, you can choose the English vocabulary test only. Currently, we are conducting these assessments remotely via ZOOM.

From second grade elementary school students to adults.
Assessment (including report) Approximately 1 hour: 20,000 yen (plus 500-yen handling fee)

Optional English vocabulary test: 5,000 yen (total 25,500 yen)

English vocabulary test only: 10,500 yen

*After sending the test results (report), the assessor can explain the report and answer questions (details will be provided when the report is sent).

Explanation after assessment: 5,500 yen

Regarding the English Assessment:

A qualified native English speaker will conduct the visiting assessment.

From second grade elementary school students to adults.
Assessment (including report) Approximately 2 hours: 25,000 yen (plus 500-yen handling fee) + transportation costs from Chiba

Details can be explained during the consultation. The report includes not only the results of the assessment in English but also additional necessary information on how to connect this report to reasonable accommodations in Japan. Translation of the test results can also be provided upon request (translation fee is separate).

*After sending the report, the representative, Mrs. Todo, can explain the report and answer questions (details will be provided when the report is sent).

Consultation after assessment: 7,500 yen


1.Reservation ⇒ 2.Payment 3.Individual Information Note Submission ⇒ 4.ZOOM Address Sent ⇒ 5. Consultation


Please select your desired consultation date and enter the necessary information using the application button below. 

If there is no suitable date available, please contact us through the inquiry form by selecting “Content” “Individual Consultation & Assessment” and providing three possible dates and times that work for you. We will adjust accordingly.


Shortly after applying, you will receive a “Notice of Application Receipt” email to your registered email address. Please proceed with the payment using the link provided in the email. Your reservation will be confirmed once the payment is received. (If payment is not made within two days after the application, the reservation may be canceled.)

3. individual Information Note Submission

Once we confirm your payment, you will receive an email from the office stuff with an attached individual information note form. Please fill out the “Individual information Note.” 

Submit the “Individual information Note” as a PDF via email to us as soon as possible.

4.ZOOM Address Sent

Upon receiving your individual information note, we will send you the ZOOM address for the consultation.


On the day of the consultation, please join via the ZOOM address provided. If you have any questions, please contact us through the inquiry form (select “Content” “Individual Consultation & Assessment”). 

For English inquiries, send your application directly to the contact form. 


Please review our privacy policy before making a reservation and apply using the button for your desired time slot.